Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bad Day Doesn't Mean I Give Up

So yesterday was a bust. I didn't do anything that I wanted to do. I didn't work out or go on a bike ride or do anything physical. I did proceed to do a bunch of baking! I made french bread and banana nut bread and all this not so diet friendly food. I didn't eat too much of it just sampled it.

Then I was too tired to make anything for dinner so I just ate left overs. I have no idea how many calories I ate for dinner but I know I had way too many carbs.

Today is a new day and I am going to try again. I will not give up. The one thing that gets me is the drinking. So I am going to stick to no drinking during the weeks and if I have a drink or two on the weekend I will make sure I work out.

So today I am feeling a little defeated from yesterday and my lack of physical activity the past few days but I am not giving up.

Today my goals are:

- To track all of my food
- To go to the gym and run 2 miles

I'll check in tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Day 2 of My New Beginning

So today has been OK so far. I am staying under my calorie target and I am still very motivated to keep on track.

Yesterday I met my calorie target but my other small goal was to go for a walk and I did not do that. I was so sore from running the 5k on Sunday I could hardly walk! But today I am feeling much better and I plan to go to the gym or at least a bike ride or a walk with my daughter.

Wednesday I plan to go to the gym and work out - cardio and weights. I plan to run about 2 miles.

My goal this week was to go from 237 to 232 ob my weigh in next Monday. I know that sounds like a lot but I think I had a little water weight from a little too much drinking on Sunday!

Let's see how motivated I am and if I can keep this up.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Almost a Year Later

Apparently I haven't updated in over a year! A lot has gone one.

Let me start with I am no where near my goal!

I had knee surgery last October. That took me out for physical activity for some time. And while I could have still eaten healthy... I didn't.

Then my husband and I decided to start a family and in Aug of this year, I gave birth to the most amazing little girl. Now I am three months post pregnancy and I have lost all the baby weight, I haven't lost any more.

This is why I am here again.

I am going to start getting back on track again and I really plan to stick to. I feel amazing lately so there is no reason why I cannot start exercising and eating right.

I am using this blog as my own personal accountability. It seemed to work pretty well for me last time so lets see if I can get going again!

My current weight: 237
My goal weight: 180

My first mini goal is to lose 10 pounds by my trip to Vegas. We are going in about 4 weeks and I know that I can do this.

I will check in daily to report where I am at and how I am feeling.

Today: My goal is to stick to my calorie target of 1500 calories. I also want to go on a walk with Savanna. I ran a 5k yesterday so my legs are a little sore therefore I am going to rest today and go to the gym tomorrow.